Take full control 
of your life!

 If you want a better job, less stress, 
if you want meaningful relationships, 
a higher income, the ability to influence others
and the power to achieve all your goals, 
you've come to the right place.

Take full control 
of your own life!

 If you want a better job, less stress, 
if you want meaningful relationships, a higher income, the ability to influence others and the power to achieve 
all your goals, 
you've come to the right place.

What is this?
An intensive 8-week transformational program delivered as individual or group coaching sessions combined with study materials and resources accessible online. 

Whether you want to advance in your current career, reinvent your life, transition into a new industry, feel stuck and unsure of the direction of your career or life, develop your resilience and emotional intelligence skills, or simply want to be more prepared for the changes the future will bring, this program is designed to give you the guidance and tools you need to make significant progress.

You will be supported to advance in your career without neglecting your mental and emotional state. You will gain a clear vision of your values and learn techniques and strategies to achieve your personal and professional goals while taking care of your inner balance.
What is this?
An intensive 8-week transformational program delivered as individual or group sessions, study materials and resources accessible online. 

Whether you want to advance in your current career, reinvent your life, transition into a new industry, feel stuck and unsure of the direction of your career or life, gain emotional intelligence and resilience skills, or simply want to be more prepared for the changes the future will bring, this program is designed to give you the guidance and tools you need to make significant progress.

You will be supported to advance in your career without neglecting your mental and emotional state. You will gain a clear vision of your values and learn techniques and strategies to achieve your personal and professional goals while taking care of your inner balance.

How do I know if this program is for me?

What results will you get after 8 weeks:

 ☑️ More satisfaction and fulfilment every day
 ☑️ Opportunities for professional growth and career advancement
 ☑️ Higher income and extra financial benefits
 ☑️ More confidence in yourself and your abilities
 ☑️ A better work-life balance
 ☑️ The power to achieve your career and life goals and dreams
 ☑️ Better relationships with your family, colleagues and superiors
 ☑️ Ability to influence and have a positive impact on others

What results will you get after 8 weeks:

 ☑️  More satisfaction and fulfilment every day
 ☑️  Opportunities for professional growth and career advancement
 ☑️  Higher income and extra financial benefits
 ☑️  More confidence in yourself and your abilities
 ☑️  A better work-life balance
 ☑️  The power to achieve your career and life goals and dreams
 ☑️  Better relationships with your family, colleagues and superiors
 ☑️  Ability to influence and have a positive impact on others
Create a strong personal brand that differentiates you from the crowd and opens doors to exciting opportunities and financial security.
Have you been trying to find a job lately but it's not going as you expected? 
Download our free job search guide for 2024 here.
Create a strong personal brand that differentiates you from the crowd and opens doors to exciting opportunities and financial security.
Have you been trying to find a job lately but it's not going as you expected? 
Download our free job search guide for 2024 here. 

What the people we guided
to a fulfilled life say about the program?

What the people we guided
to a fulfilled life say about the program?

What are the benefits of joining the program?
☑️ Identify and use both existing and newly learned skills to advance your career.
☑️ Understand the reasons and limitations behind your behaviours and overcome obstacles to achieve your goals.
☑️ You clearly define your goals and the steps needed to achieve your goals in your career and life.
☑️ Develop emotion recognition and active listening skills for deeper relationships and effective communication.
☑️ Learn practical techniques for managing emotions and making informed career decisions.
☑️ Create a strategic plan aligned with your goals and values and know how to monitor and adjust direction.
☑️ Integrate your career into your life and find the balance needed for satisfaction in both your career and personal life.
What are the benefits of joining the program?
☑️ Identify and use both existing and newly learned skills to advance your career.
☑️ Understand the reasons and limitations behind your behaviours and overcome obstacles to achieve your goals.
☑️ You clearly define your goals and the steps needed to achieve your goals in your career and life.
☑️ Develop emotion recognition and active listening skills for deeper relationships and effective communication.
☑️ Learn practical techniques for managing emotions and making informed career decisions.
☑️ Create a strategic plan aligned with your goals and values and know how to monitor and adjust direction.
☑️ Integrate your career into your life and find the balance needed for satisfaction in both your career and personal life.

What will you get after registration?

  • Access to online resources: each module with online materials and resources becomes available every week during the programme. Access is through a dedicated platform, the EmpacITy platform.
  • Group or individual coaching sessions: 8 sessions delivered online live, one session per week, where you will have the opportunity to get help, discuss and explore topics of interest with other participants. (Your own pace if you select 1 on 1 format) 
  • Practical assignments: to put into practice the information and concepts in our materials, these are optional but recommended to achieve the desired results.
  • Unlimited access to resources: for 1 year, after completing the programme, you will have unlimited access to the online resources and materials in the platform.
  • A bonus 1-on-1 session with Dan Tudorache: a meeting that marks your entry into the program where you will work on your personal goals and receive the psychological profiling included.
  • 4 one-on-one sessions with one of our mentors: in addition to the 8-week group, you will also receive 4 sessions with one of our mentors, to help you refine your strategy, and make sure you are on track towards your goals. (Only for Group format)

What will you get after registration?

  • Access to online resources: each module with online materials and resources becomes available every week during the program. Access is through the EmpacITy's eLearning platform.
  • Coaching sessions: 8 individual or group sessions delivered live virtually, one session per week, where you will have the opportunity to get help, discuss and explore topics of interest with other participants. (On your own pace if you select 1 on 1 format) 
  • Practical assignments: to put into practice the information and concepts in our materials, these are optional but recommended to achieve the desired results.
  • Unlimited access to resources: for 1 year, after completing the programme, you will have unlimited access to the online resources and materials in the platform.
  • A bonus 1-on-1 session with Dan Tudorache: a bonus meeting that marks your entry into the program where you will work on your personal goals and receive the psychological profiling included.
  • 4 one-on-one sessions with one of our mentors: in addition to the 8-week group, you will also receive 4 sessions with one of our mentors, to help you refine your strategy, and make sure you are on track towards your goals.

Our program is right for you if you find yourself 
in one or more of the following situations:

☑️ You are at the beginning of your career and you lack clarity on the direction to take.
☑️ You feel stuck in your current job and want to advance, either horizontally or vertically.
☑️ You feel bored but are afraid to make a change.
☑️ You can't manage your emotions and those of others, family or colleagues.
☑️ You want special skills to make an impact on those around you. 
☑️ You feel trapped in a "golden cage" and don't feel fulfilled.
☑️ You are actively looking for a job, but the process is slow and you are tired of applying unsuccessfully for jobs.
☑️ You lack confidence in yourself, your career path and your ability to succeed in your professional and personal life.
☑️ You feel that your life is all about work and you don't have time and energy for other important aspects of your life.
☑️ You want a career plan and a clear vision of your career path, with well-defined goals and a feasible action plan that will get you where you want to go.
☑️ You want clarity on your strengths and skills that are transferable to other areas, to position yourself advantageously in the job market and to build a strong and visible personal brand.

Our program is right for you if you find yourself in one or more of the following situations:

☑️ You are at the beginning of your career and you lack clarity on the direction to take.
☑️ You feel stuck in your current job and want to advance, either horizontally or vertically.
☑️ You feel bored but are afraid to make a change.
☑️ You can't manage your emotions and those of others, family or colleagues.
☑️ You want special skills to make an impact on those around you. 
☑️ You feel trapped in a "golden cage" and don't feel fulfilled.
☑️ You are actively looking for a job, but the process is slow and you are tired of applying unsuccessfully for jobs.
☑️ You lack confidence in yourself, your career path and your ability to succeed in your professional and personal life.
☑️ You feel that your life is all about work and you don't have time and energy for other important aspects of your life.
☑️ You want a career plan and a clear vision of your career path, with well-defined goals and a feasible action plan that will get you where you want to go.
☑️ You want clarity on your strengths and skills that are transferable to other areas, to position yourself advantageously in the job market and to build a strong and visible personal brand.

What the programme contains and 
what will you learn?

Session 1: Who are you, really?
Have you ever wondered if what you do really reflects what matters to you? Through practical exercises, you will discover what is really important to you in your life and career. We will explore how much of this is present in your life and how you can bring more of what is meaningful to you.
Session 2: Do your goals support your vision of your future?
We all have goals but often they are not aligned with the vision for the future we want. We support you in defining clear goals that work as stepping stones towards your goal. You will understand what your priorities are given the resources you already have, plus strategies to build new resources.
Session 3: Are you sure you stay on the defined path and don't give up easily?
We procrastinate, we give up, we get stuck, we don't know what to do and this often results in frustration, disappointment, blame and doubt. With our practical tools and specialist knowledge, we guide you to identify and overcome these difficult times. Then, we teach you how to apply the techniques we offer so you can move forward on the path to your personal vision with confidence and determination.
Session 4: Building resilience.
We focus on understanding and managing your own emotions, an essential aspect of your professional development. By recognising and understanding our emotions, including their manifestations and impact, we will be able to respond more effectively to challenges. This increases resilience, but also provides help in managing stress. It is an essential first step in preparing yourself to learn strategies that help you understand and manage your own emotions to be successful in your career and life.
Session 5: The art of effective communication.
You will improve your understanding of the emotions of others, clients, employees, business partners, or family, how to apply active listening techniques, learn to give constructive feedback and be confident in your own strengths.
Session 6: How to make continuous learning a habit.
You will work on creating a personal learning plan for acquiring new skills and abilities in line with your goals. You will identify credible online resources for self-study and skills development to help you be more effective and better at what you do, as well as ways to learn effectively.
Session 7: Does your network support your dreams?
You will develop social skills by learning effective strategies for building professional and personal relationships that are relevant to you. Through networking strategies, perfecting your personal discourse and optimising your LinkedIn and Social Media profiles, you will expand your network and access new personal, professional and business opportunities.
Session 8: The art of presentation and public speaking
You will work on improving your presentation and public speaking skills, enabling you to communicate your ideas with confidence, and deliver impactful presentations. You will finalise your 5 or 10 year personal and professional project and strategy, a dossier with concrete objectives, strategy, actions, timelines, personal and professional development, profiles and a social network to help you through the process.

What the program contains and 
what will you learn?

Session 1: Who are you, really?
Have you ever wondered if what you do really reflects what matters to you? Through practical exercises, you will discover what is really important to you in your life and career. We will explore how much of this is present in your life and how you can bring more of what is meaningful to you.
Session 2: Do your goals support your vision of your future?
We all have goals but often they are not aligned with the vision for the future we want. We support you in defining clear goals that work as stepping stones towards your goal. You will understand what your priorities are given the resources you already have, plus strategies to build new resources.

Session 3: Are you sure you stay on the defined path and don't give up easily?
We procrastinate, we give up, we get stuck, we don't know what to do and this often results in frustration, disappointment, blame and doubt. With our practical tools and specialist knowledge, we guide you to identify and overcome these difficult times. Then, we teach you how to apply the techniques we offer so you can move forward on the path to your personal vision with confidence and determination.
Session 4: Building resilience.
We focus on understanding and managing your own emotions, an essential aspect of your professional development. By recognising and understanding our emotions, including their manifestations and impact, we will be able to respond more effectively to challenges. This increases resilience, but also provides help in managing stress. It is an essential first step in preparing yourself to learn strategies that help you understand and manage your own emotions to be successful in your career and life.

Session 5: The art of effective communication.
You will improve your understanding of the emotions of others, clients, employees, business partners, or family, how to apply active listening techniques, learn to give constructive feedback and be confident in your own strengths.
Session 6: How to make continuous learning a habit.
You will work on creating a personal learning plan for acquiring new skills and abilities in line with your goals. You will identify credible online resources for self-study and skills development to help you be more effective and better at what you do, as well as ways to learn effectively. 
Session 7: Does your network support your dreams?
You will develop social skills by learning effective strategies for building professional and personal relationships that are relevant to you. Through networking strategies, perfecting your personal discourse and optimising your LinkedIn and Social Media profiles, you will expand your network and access new personal, professional and business opportunities.
Session 8: The art of presentation and public speaking
You will work on improving your presentation and public speaking skills, enabling you to communicate your ideas with confidence, and deliver impactful presentations. You will finalise your 5 or 10 year personal and professional project and strategy, a dossier with concrete objectives, strategy, actions, timelines, personal and professional development, profiles and a social network to help you through the process.

Cum arata procesul de aplicare?

Pasul 1: Aplici pentru un apel de consultanta gratuita

În primul pas trebuie să treci prin testul de venit pus la dispozitie. Prin completarea acestuia, ne oferi câteva informații despre situația ta actuală și despre tine, astfel încât să știm cum te putem ajuta.

Pasul 2: Te va suna un consultant si vei avea o scurta discutie cu el

În al doilea pas, un consultant EmpacITy te va suna pentru un scurt interviu. Te va întreba despre lucrurile pe care dorești să le realizezi și ce obstacole te împiedică să îți atingi obiectivele in momentul de fata.

Pasul 3: Alegem împreuna data potrivita pentru apel

În ultimul pas, vom stabili o programare pentru un call de consultanță gratuită. În acest call vom face un plan cu pașii care să te ducă rapid de la situația actuală la venitul dorit.

What you lose if you don't register 

Way of thinking
Overcoming limitations
Chance to escape stress
Personal development
Key skills
Step-by-step life and career plan
Personal Brand
The Art of Presentation
Personal speech
Art of communication
Creating meaningful relationships
The chance to move to the next level professionally and personally

What you'll lose if you don't join now? 

Way of thinking
Overcoming limitations
Chance to escape stress
Personal development
Key skills
Step-by-step life and career plan
Personal Brand
The Art of Presentation
Personal speech
Art of communication
Creating meaningful relationships
The chance to move to the next level professionally and personally

Sessions format

1 on 1 sessions

Group sessions


7 of the top 10 most important skills employers focus on are human, according to the World Economic Forum's report on the future of jobs to 2027

Are you ready to transform your career and adapt to the demands of the rapidly changing job market?

Schedule a personalized phone conversation with one of our specialists to discuss how we can help you stay competitive in the marketplace and achieve your personal and professional goals that are relevant to you.

7 of the top 10 most important skills employers focus on are human, according to the World Economic Forum's report on the future of jobs to 2027

Are you ready to transform your career and adapt to the demands of the rapidly changing job market?

Schedule a personalized phone conversation with one of our specialists to discuss how we can help you stay competitive in the marketplace and achieve your personal and professional goals that are relevant to you.

Our team

CEO of EmpacITy and creator of the Career Accelerator Program - the most effective program for creating an impactful career and reinventing yourself in the process.
With a vast experience of over 20 years in international companies, Dan Tudorache has been himself in a process of professional and personal reinvention becoming a Psychologist, Coach and Trainer.
He has helped hundreds of people thrive today through this effective system as they have learned what they need to know and do to achieve enviable salaries, the roles they have always wanted, or start the business they want, as well as mastering the finer elements of psychology and leadership with which to create meaningful relationships, self-discover, manage their emotions and communicate effectively.
Ana-Maria Radu is an ICF International Standards trained coach and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner. In working with her, you will find yourself in a safe and empathetic space where you can open up and explore your goals in an authentic, non-judgmental and unconditionally supportive way to take concrete steps in the direction you want to go, while respecting your life principles.
Ana's focus on the mind-body connection in her sessions will guide you to identify and create inner resources to manage your emotions, thoughts and behaviours effectively and harmoniously. This holistic approach will have a powerful impact on you, both physically and emotionally, boosting your intrinsic motivation and energy needed to successfully achieve your personal and professional goals. With 15 years of experience in international companies in management, HR and Learning & Development roles, she creates practical and relevant learning experiences for real-life situations, focusing on meaningful transformation.
With over 18 years of experience in international technical companies, Iulia Zidaru combines pragmatic and creative thinking for excellent results.
As an ICF certified career coach, Iulia has successfully mentored individuals in eight countries, supporting them in finding career paths that align with their unique aspirations, both within the IT industry and beyond. 
Finding deeper professional fulfillment, mastering the dynamics of interviews, improving the dynamics of workplace relationships and finding a balance between professional responsibilities and personal life are some of the things she guides people through.
The secret ingredient of your growth. You.


Email us at:

Schedule a live 
online session 

Do you have any questions? We have the answers!

Is this for me?
If you want to transform your career and life, and reach your full potential, this program is for you.
If you are ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and development, this program is for you.
If you want to build valuable relationships in your field and enhance your professional and personal skills, this programme is for you.
Is it a course? Do I have to attend class?
It is an 8-week transformational group program that combines study materials, pre-recorded modules and live group coaching sessions in an intimate 
group of supportive individuals with the goal of helping you accelerate your career and solve problems in your life. 
Whether it's finding a job, pivoting or discovering a side hustle, we'll take care of it all!
What if I can't attend a live group session?
You'll find it listed under Resources, but if you want to work on yourself and want a transformation, it's better to be present.
Can I access the materials in the programme after I finish it?
Yes, the materials will be available on the platform and you will have access for 1 year.
How much time do I have to invest for this program?
The minimum time commitment for this program is four hours per week, which includes:
- 2.5 hours of weekly live group coaching.
- 1-2 hours of learning integration.
If you would like to devote more time to deepening your methods, you will be offered additional readings, resources and recommended courses to support you further.
Can I unsubscribe from the programme after it has started?
Yes, at the latest after the first kick-off session and psychological profiling.
What is the refund policy?
You can request a full refund if you cancel within 14 days of payment, unless the course start date is within 14 days of payment.
This program has the power to profoundly change your life. Don't like it? 
Email us before the refund deadline and let us know.
We will refund you, in full. No tricks, no "cancellation fees".
Who is this program for?
The course is aimed at all people who are struggling professionally and personally. Either because they don't know what to do, are struggling to find a new job, don't know how to take it to the next level, feel they are settling for less, lack the necessary skills or all of the above! 
We welcome people from all backgrounds and industries.
Can I get an invoice to be paid by the company I work for?
Definitely. We really encourage you to go to the company you work for and ask for budget to pay for your training in this program. 
You will receive a diploma mentioning the number of hours, modules and subjects covered in this journey.
I am at the beginning of my career. Is it suitable for me?
Yes. You'll get an incredible advantage over everyone else who's on the same level as you.
What is this program isn't?
There is no magic solution for overnight success. It takes commitment and effort on your part to achieve your goals.
It's not just a passive training course. We expect active participation and commitment from you in every session.
And yet, is it for me?
As with any programme related to the professional area, it is possible that your results with our help may differ from these testimonials from former participants. 
Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, professional acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a multitude of other factors. 
Because these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. 
Career Accelerator is not a "get rich quick scheme". It takes time, effort and dedication. 
We provide you with a great set of tools to get the results you want, and our graduates agree.
What if I still have things to improve after the 8 weeks?
You are always welcome to work 1-on-1 with one of our coaches.
I'm convinced. How can I start?
Because this is an intimate group program with limited seating, we want to first find out about you and where you feel professionally and personally challenged so we can make sure you are a perfect fit for this program! Click on the button below that says "Schedule a free consultation session" to schedule a call!
How much access will I have to you as a coach?
This is a group coaching program. There will be a maximum of 12 people in the program, which means you will also get personalized attention and coaching from me and my team. If between the 8 weekly group coaching calls and access to the private slack channel you need support, you can get valuable 1:1 coaching from me or a coach on the team at a significantly lower price than the cost of the 1:1 program.

Do you still have questions? Click the button below and schedule an appointment with us!

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Copyrights 2024 | TERMS & CONDITIONS | Empacity
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& DAN Tudorache
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